Happy Thanksgiving! Hows everybody? I havent been using anything new lately but I am going black friday shopping, so if you have any products, contact me so I can go after them! I am in need of something new, and a twist.

I have recently checked my viewings and I have 1.5K total page views! Thats amazing guys! Thank you so much for coming to B Fabulous! I <3 you all! Im writing this as an update but after black friday, I will be stocked up, and loaded with new info for B FAB.  If any of you want me to do a complete what did I buy on black friday, comment below, because I am totally willing to do that. I am also starting a page called Q and A, question and answer.  know there is ask.fm but I have a website for crying out loud, why not just use this?!?  Haha, anyway, so if you have any questions for me and you need an answer, fell free to ask. I hope you also got they memo that I post weekday Wednesday and Thursdays on every other week. If you have noticed that today is a Tuesday, your smart because Thursday is Thanksgiving and we will all be with family, but I still will update tomorrow. There is the info in last blog on B Cosmetics explaining also that if Wednesday and Thursday turn out to be incorrect days, or I am busy, I will get back to you all on a new post because you know how people get busy :). Thank you guys again for visiting B Fabulous and I will talk to you all again later! Byeee!


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